The participants work through their natural resistance to the deep transformation that the contact invites.
Tension and blocks that stand in the way of the transformation process tend to be revealed and intensified by the eye contact. Staying centered in the heart and the whole energy system within while not being lost in thoughts and distractions is essential when working in this way.
In open eyes meditation, the teacher’s job is simply to be immersed as deeply as possible in his or her core being. Centered in awareness of energy flow, pure consciousness and compassion, the teacher transmits a transformative energy vibration.
Open eyes practice is a form of Shaktipat, which literally means descent of grace. It can be received in four different ways: look, touch, thought or speech. Whichever form is used, it represents an invitation to the initiated person to awaken to rising energy and pure consciousness.
Shaktipat can ignite a flame in the practitioner and support the unfolding of an inner liberation process. It can set in motion a process that makes it possible to recognize and live from the unconditional love hidden in the heart.
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Visit also my other website together with my husband we run the Rudra Retreat Center located on Mallorca