"The more we are in connection with our deeper Love, the more we will be able to live a life from the heart."
What kind of Yoga do we offer?
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I support you in your personal life process. My empathy and my own life and professional experience form the basis for a trusting cooperation. During the coaching process you receive guidance and support to get to know yourself better and how to live from the heart - away from the head. In the individual session you experience, feel and recognise from a deeper level what moves you. With the help of your inner wisdom, you create a fulfilled and self determined life. A life lived from your heart and not from the mind.
Neuro-Somatic bodywork is a profound therapy that works with the nervous system, the tissues and the entire body. This holistic approach addresses physical pain, emotional distress and exhaustion. It is a method to heal trauma, addiction and other stress disorders.
It is a body first approach to deal with the symptoms of trauma (emotional and physical). It helps to create new experiences in the body that contradicts those of tension and overwhelming helplessness. This means that healing isn’t about remembering memories or changing our thoughts and beliefs about how we feel. In this approach we explore the sensations that lie underneath our feelings and beliefs, as well as our
habitual behaviour patterns. By understanding that we are not the victim of a certain experience in our past we claim back the power to change and take responsibility for our healing process.
I am happy to come
to your location as required
Visit also my other website together with my husband we run the Rudra Retreat Center located on Mallorca