If we immerce ourselves in the deeper silence
we will find all the answers to our questions
I offer powerful treatments and methods that contribute to a transformation of awareness and an increased sense of energy flow, wellbeing and inner freedom. The focus of my work is the human being as a unity of body, mind and soul. If we understand this interconectedness, we better understand to take care of all aspects of our being.I am facinated by the unlimited potential we carry in us.By allowing our deeper innate wisdom to speak to us, we allow peace, joy and happiness into our life.In the Caraniosacral Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage I use my hands to listen with awareness to the needs of the subtle and the gross bod, and I sense where a touch is needed to activate your innate healing abilities.I use a similarapproach in the Yoga and Meditation practice to make it possible for you to release blocks and tensions that prevents youfrom living a more aware, fullfilled, and happy life. With many years of experience I sense what is needed and support you in your inner development.
Sarah, London GB
Bhairav, Belgium
Susanne, Switzerland
Here you can find videos about the rising energy meditation practice and transformation process.
The videos were recorded in connection with retreats and intensive programs we have
held in various European, American and Indian locations. Some videos were recorded during zoom programs.
Link to Rudra Yoga Channel on You Tube with videos by Premji and Deviji
I am happy to come
to your location as required
Visit also my other website together with my husband we run the Rudra Retreat Center located on Mallorca